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360° Leadership Assessments
Through confidential interviews or an online survey, a 360° Leadership Insight reveals how we are perceived by stakeholders and our impact as a leader on others. 


Strategic Analysis Through Bespoke Surveys
Qualitative and quantitative diagnostic surveys are designed to support the team coaching and transformation process, exploring topics such as climate of a culture, the opportunities and challenges of a business, the strengths and weaknesses of a team as well as the motivations and frustrations of the individual.


Leadership Values Construct 

Based on the work of Consultant Clinical Psychology Dr Julie Stokes M.B.E, the Values Construct efficiently and rigorously reveals a gap analysis of values and triggers as a leader.  This can be completed online or with a coach. 


iLEAD Competency Assessment 

Benchmark against Aesara’s 12 Leadership Competencies, with the revealing technique of a rating for “good day” and “bad day” under pressure to gain a true insight into an individual's performance. This diagnostic product can be tailored to a company’s internal competencies.  



The unique Lucania app-based tool gives a leader autonomy to feedforward at any time, seeking further input from stakeholders, accelerating sustainable behaviour change. FeedForward resets the perception of stakeholders to be more aware of the progress being made, rather than defaulting to their preconceived beliefs, and empowers a leader with invaluable, specific, future-positive ideas for further improvement. 


Temperature Checks

Regular measurement of team fundamentals (Trust, Empowerment, Motivation, Energy) and the agreed Mindset & Behaviours is essential to hold the team accountable and focused on the right things. â€‹



Aesara coaches are accredited in many leading world class psychometric tools. Each offers an opportunity to explore the individual self, group and team dynamics. We work with our clients to determine the most relevant tool to your culture and business needs.​




Hogan was developed in 1980 as one of the first personality measures created specifically for the business environment. Assessments are scientifically designed for the workplace and rigorously validated with populations of working adults. 


We recommend all three Hogan Assessments for high-level executives and senior leadership teams: the Value Assessment for mid-managers and newly formed teams, the Potential Assessment for promotions and new hires and the Challenge Assessment for performance issues. 

Hogan suggests a person’s natural advantages, or ‘edges’, and their potential behavioural derailers, or ‘risks’, in a job or business setting. 


Value Assessment – Core Values and Motivators for Leadership Roles 
Potential Assessment – Strength and Competencies for Leadership 
Challenge Assessment – Derailers and Personality-Based Performance Risks 




We recommend Insights to help build high performing leadership teams, to increase team members’ self-awareness of their work preferences and styles and to better understand and recognise their unique contribution to the team. 


The Insights® Discovery is based on the Jungian theories of psychological type. It takes into account three dimensions of personality: whether we have a preference for the inner or the outer world, the way we gather information and the way we make decisions. Insights also describes personality through four energies, Fiery Red, Sunshine Yellow, Earth Green and Cool blue which eases the memorising of the tool and speaks to the imagination in terms of behaviours and attitudes. Eight personality types are derived from this model. The Insights report is one that participants tend to appreciate instantly; it’s easy to digest and it provides input on strengths, development areas and effective ways of interacting with the world around you. 




We recommend Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) as an emotional intelligence (EQ) tool to develop an understanding of empathy within the broader context of fourteen traits of emotional intelligence. 

What does it mean to have low emotional intelligence? When people are labelled by themselves, or others, as having low EQ, it can be very complex to understand what is meant by this, to know what others experience and, most importantly, to find a way to break it down into manageable steps towards the development of greater EQ. TEIQue is designed to explain how well people understand and manage their emotions, how well they interpret and deal with the emotions of others and how they use this knowledge to manage relationships.




We recommend MBTI for individuals seeking a psychological self-analysis to gain a better understanding of how they react/respond in teams and pressure situations. 


The purpose of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) personality inventory is to make Jung’s theory of psychological types understandable and useful in people’s lives. The essence of the theory is that a lot of seemingly random variation in behaviour is actually quite orderly and consistent due to basic differences in the ways individuals prefer to use their perception and judgment. The MBTI instrument sorts for preferences and does not measure trait, ability or character. The MBTI was originally developed in the 1940s by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs Myers. 





We recommend Positive Intelligence and Saboteurs for leaders and leadership teams looking for a pragmatic understanding of their key derailers when working under pressure and the impact they are having on each other in a team. It provides a safe language in a team environment to both discuss the team dynamics and call out the bad-day behaviour.


Developed by psychologist and businessman, Shirzad Chamine, Positive Intelligence is the science and practice of developing mastery over your own mind so you can reach your full potential for both happiness and success. With Saboteurs, Chamine identified the nine human behavioural derailers when we are under pressure.


Your mind is your best friend, but it is also your worst enemy. Your Positive Intelligence Quotient (PQ®) is the percentage of time your mind is serving you as opposed to sabotaging you. Your PQ indicates how much mastery you have over your own mind. Saboteurs are your invisible agents of self-sabotage. They represent your brain’s automatic mental habits with limiting beliefs and assumptions about how to handle life’s challenges. They include the Judge, Controller, Avoider, Victim, Stickler and 5 others. Saboteurs are at the root of much of our stress, unhappiness and negative feelings. By identifying your saboteurs and strategising your PQ, you can learn to meet your challenges by activating a different voice and region of your brain that performs far better while producing positive feelings like curiosity, empathy, creativity, and peace, with a laser focus on action.





Clarity4D is more than just a personality profiling tool; it offers a fresh, creative yet affordable way for individuals, teams and leaders to understand how “I” communicate and to gain further understanding and skill on how to communicate effectively with other people, according to their preferences. 


The Clarity4D colour model blends Ancient Greek colour “energy” with Jungian psychology in a way that is simple to understand and impactive to deliver throughout an organisation-wide learning programme. With programme applications ranging from organisational change, leadership development, team effectiveness and more traditional coaching, Clarity4D has one of the widest range of profiles, mapping and diagnostic tools on the market. 


The Clarity4D profile itself features a unique built-in action plan and communication strategies designed to be effective from the start in both personal coaching sessions and team development workshops whilst the completely online process of completing the questionnaire and publishing the profile, ensures a dynamic experience in a virtual world. 


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